Featherstone ROVERS 36
Barrow 18
HOSTS Featherstone Rovers took the game to Barrow Raiders, and they were first to threaten when Danny Addy broke through.

However on hand with a try-saving tackle was skipper Jarrad Stack.
Shortly after at the other end following a tap penalty for a late flop on Luke Cresswell, Barrow were almost over the line.
Brad Walker put in a high kick which Broadbent and Stack chased, however, Ben Reynolds was first to the ball and the attack fizzled out.
And when Reynolds shot through a gap, Cresswell pulled off a try- saving tackle.

But there was no stopping Brad Day on ten minutes when he went in by the side of the posts, Reynolds tagging on the goal points for 6-0.
Cresswell was working overtime in defence keeping the Rovers at bay, while another Barrow attack came to an end when Reynolds gathered a high kick from Walker.
When Rovers were caught offside, Barrow pressed with good play from Johnston sending James Greenwood to the home line but he was held a yard short,
A further penalty conceded by Rovers saw Aaron Smith part to Tom Wilkinson who was well covered.
However on 20 minutes, Barrow were on the scoreboard with an amazing piece of work from Ryan Shaw.
The Barrow winger took a kick to the corner from Johnston and to the amazement of everyone dropped his shoulders and sent a pass between his legs and Johnston was over the line. Shaw failed to convert, 6-4.
But their joy was short lived as Reynolds put in a high kick and beat Cresswell to gather and dot the ball down, he also tagged on the goal for 12-4.
Barrow were working hard, but it was the home side who increased their lead almost on half time when pressure paid off with Addy sending a neat ball to substitute Connor Jones who crossed the line for Reynolds to close the half at 18-4.
The second half was barely under way when Rovers increased their lead when Patton chipped ahead for Jimmy Beckett to cross the visitors’ line, Reynolds adding the goal 24-4.
Barrow, not to be outdone, hit back with a fine break from Jamie Pye which resulted in Josh Wood going in from close range, Shaw adding the goal 24-10
Rovers soon responded with Connor Wynne going in at the corner for Reynolds to convert 30-10
Barrow battled away and were rewarded when Gillam raced downfield covering 40 yards.
Play continued with Broadbent releasing Bulman and his reverse ball saw Broadbent over for a try 30-14.
Rovers again hit back when a high kick saw Jones in for his second try converted by Reynolds 36-14.
A skirmish broke out at the Barrow end of the field but play continued with Shaw feeding Toal who crossed the whitewash 36-18.
Further fighting broke out with Addy sin binned. A minute later Rovers’ Harry Bowes and Josh Wood were sin binned as the game closed.
With Halifax winning 17-16 at Doncaster they replaced Barrow in tenth position.
Other results went in Barrow’s favour, Whitehaven losing 40-0 at home to York and Swinton losing 60-0 at home to Wakefield
Barrow now face Toulouse at home next Saturday.

BARROW: Cresswell, Bulman, Broadbent, Toal, Shaw, B Walker, Johnston, Gillam, Smith, Brown, Stack, Greenwood,Worthington. Subs used. Wilkinson, Wood, T Walker Pye.