BARROW AFC sporting director Iain Wood admits they may have to play the waiting game when it comes to more new additions.

The Bluebirds have brought in six new players so far this summer, and while Wood would prefer to have all the transfer business done sooner rather than later, he’s not new to the art of wheeling and dealing.

And he realises that some deals may take longer than others to get over the line.

He said: “We are still trying to get a couple more through the door, but it has to be right.

“We have to make sure that it’s what we need moving forward.

“It’s about getting that balance. You can have really good players, but you do need that x-factor.

“From the outset it has been about getting good people through the door and we are never going to change that because you need a dressing room to be good, but we do need people to have that little bit about them who can turn games.

“And that is the balance we are trying to get.

“I genuinely think we are in a good place and with a couple more signings, I think we will be pretty much there.

“But we might have to be patient to get what we want, and that’s because you are waiting on the parent clubs to make a decision.

“Whether that’s buying a player or loaning a player. You can identify your targets and you can approach clubs, but the deal has got to be right for everyone and that means us as buying club, the parent club and the player themselves.

“So we might have to wait a little bit longer to get who we want, but I think we will be more or less where we want to be and where we need to be before the start of the season.”

Wood said it had been a hectic summer following the departure of former boss Pete Wild and the arrival of new head coach Stephen Clemence.

And Wood adds that it shows no signs of slowing down.

“It’ been a very busy summer with lots of decisions being made and lots of moving parts to those decisions, but I’m happy with where we are at,” he said.

“There’s more work to be done and we will keep plugging away, but everyone is doing their bit behind the scenes, and I believe we are moving forward.

“I’m delighted to have Stephen on board as head coach and I think fans can expect to see a real change in how we play this season.

“I think we have progressed in the two seasons I have been at the club and I think we are well set to do that again.”