BARROW AFC fans can expect to see a change in style under new boss Stephen Clemence.

The Bluebirds head coach complimented predecessor Pete Wild on the job he’d done at the club, but said he’d be looking to play his own way.

He explained: “I like to have control, of the football, I like to try to get after the ball, and I like to try to create chances.

“But there are a lot of details that go into those three things that I’ve spoken about and I’m not going to go into all of that now.

“But I think the most important thing is to create a team that the supporters can be proud of, and that they know that when that group of players go on to the pitch they are going to give their absolute all for the badge.

“And that’s what I will demand from the players.

“But I want to play the right way. Like I say I want us to have control and possession, but not silly possession.

“I’d like us to try to get to certain areas of the pitch and try to get balls in the box.”