RESIDENTS are 'disgusted' in the state of rubbish in Dalton Town centre which the coucil are now ecournaging people to clean up it's streets after it was left in a 'sorry state of affairs'.

Dalton Town Council has bemoaned rubbish 'strewn all over the town' and is urging people to take part in a 'thorough sweep of the town to collect the waste which is all over the roads and pathways'.

James Neild said: "We used to have a wonderful street cleaner, I know it's other people's job to bin their own litter but the town was so much a cleaner place then."

Tony Moon said: "Something needs to be done in Barrow its worse on red bin collection day when they leave unemptied bins and rubbish that falls out of the recycling vans."

David Armstrong said: "I've travelled round the world three times and only came across one place with a bigger litter problem than England.

"How come we can't pick out litter up and dispose of it properly?"

Ron Davies said: "When we were at School we were told not to drop litter but, modern day schooling don't take the time to educate the kids."

Allen Rodgers said: "It was drummed into us at Chapel St. school and by our parents.

"I still can't drop litter even if I wanted to."

cromwell58 said: "Try walking down Amphitrite street on Walney its a disgrace the amount of rubbish left on the street."

Finbar Pepperbottom said: "Local people leave rubbish on the streets.

"People don't come from away and dump it.

"Locals simply don't care."

Maureen Balding said: "Yes the public need to keep thier own area clean (if possible) but, much of the rubbish is left in the wake of the refuse collectors that could be changed.

"Of course the recent high winds haven't helped either."

The Observer said: "Maybe it's not just people dumping rubbish on the streets. Barrow is a windy place probably blowing over bins, bins that haven't been emptied etc.

"This is a UK problem not just Barrow."