THERE has been a lot of talk about keeping physically fit during the lockdown - but not quite as much about looking after mental health.

Having said that, it is important to point out that the two are linked, as exercise releases chemicals in the brain which can help people feel good and ward off dips in mood.

This is undoubtedly one reason why getting out of the house for a walk or a jog is one of the few things the British public has been encouraged to continue doing during the pandemic.

Getting people to keep active is a positive step, and we also welcome the many ways that mental health services in Cumbria have been bolstered.

For people who are lonely and rely on social contact, or people who suffer with anxiety or depression or other mental health issues, spending large amounts of time reading the pressure cooker of social media or feeling trapped within the same four walls can be incredibly challenging.

Anyone reading this who is struggling shouldn't have to go through it alone.

Staying connected is so important, whether it's by chatting to a family member or friend on the phone or online, or to a sympathetic stranger through one of the many services available.

Please, if you're feeling low, don't suffer in silence. Make sure you reach out and talk to someone.