A proud “super strict” mum never lets her kids eat sweets, lets them watch TV only one day a week and throws away their toys if they don’t tidy them away.

Elena Leeming, 39, says strict parenting is the best way to “prepare kids for life”.

Since they were three years old, her children Clive, now six, and Violet, five, have done chores around the house.

They are only allowed to watch TV on Sundays and sugary snacks are limited so they’ve “never eaten a Haribo in their lives.”

The Mail: Elena's children must tidy up before starting another activityElena's children must tidy up before starting another activity (Image: SWNS)

Regardless of how new or expensive their toys are, the business analyst throws them away as a punishment if her children haven’t tidied up.

Elena from York said her children are “happy and healthy” and she feels the strict parenting style will be better for her kids in the long run.

She said: "I like to see the children learning in everything they do. It's important for them to understand what they need to eat and do.

"They are healthy, happy, and have a good sleep routine as a result. I think parents become a bit loose and don't really discipline their children now - but this way I'm preparing them for life."

The mother of two said both she and husband Darren Leeming, 54, grew up without being taught life skills like cooking and housework.

Elena wanted to make sure her children would understand life skills to become independent so started teaching at a young age.

From the age of just three they have been loading the washing machine and doing the gardening.

She says her son sets up breakfast in the morning before she comes down: "Rather than sitting there screaming waiting for breakfast, they can do it themselves."

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Strict parenting includes a strict diet for Elena’s children

Elena teaches them about nutrition and they must eat at least five portions of fruit and veg a day, as well as drinking at least a litre of water.

She says they are never allowed heavily processed foods or artificially flavoured snacks such as sweets and crisps.

They are allowed one high-sugar food a day from a list of approved ones such as a yoghurt, ice cream and biscuits.

Fizzy drinks are not allowed with the sugar-free ones even being banned.

She said: "They've never had a Haribo in their lives.

"They're not allowed to eat foods with no vitamins or nutritional benefits.

"When they're given sweets they say 'no thanks, they're not good for me' and they put them in the bin."

Screen time is limited with TV only being watched once a week

They are allowed to watch TV but only on a Sunday - and tablets are only to be used for 'educational games' such as spelling challenges.

She said: "With screentime, it's like an addiction. I don't want them to develop that addiction."

The children must tidy up their activities before moving onto the next one or going upstairs.

If they break this rule, their toys are taken from them.

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She said: "One time I was on a call and they turned the house inside out. I gave them five minutes to tidy up and they didn't get it done in time.

"So I put the toys in a black bag and took them to the charity shop the next day regardless of how new or expensive they were.

"For the weeks after, the books were on the shelf and the toys were tidied up - they learnt from it and I never had to do that again."

Elena is willing to go to any lengths to teach discipline so her kids learn not to do "silly things".

She said: "My daughter tied a knot on her rucksack that was really hard to untie, so I made her untie it standing outside in the rain so she wouldn't do it again.

"We have reward charts and they lose stars if they don't go to the toilet before leaving the house and then need it while we're out."

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While many parents might see this as overly strict, Elena feels it's the best thing for her family.

She added: "Everyone is allowed their own opinion and they can raise children how they want.

"But mental health is on the rise, and people have no resilience skills nowadays.

"I want my children to grow up strong leaders."