A BAND of bikers has helped to save the NHS hundreds of pounds by delivering blood and medication for the area's hospital over Christmas.

The dedicated North West Blood Bikers from Barrow and Ulverston volunteered to mount a round the clock on call system for Furness General Hospital from Christmas eve to Boxing day.

The move saw six members of the group complete a series of runs between FGH, in Dalton Lane, and the Royal Lancaster Infirmary on Christmas Day and Boxing day to ensure the University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Trust incurred no cost to transport vital samples, medicines, notes and equipment between sites.

The volunteers also stepped in to transport routine samples from babies born at FGH to the new born screening centre at St Mary's in Manchester on Tuesday when Royal Mail could not guarantee a quick delivery over the holidays before the samples expired.

Barrow Blood biker John Walker, a team leader at BAE Systems, said it had been a busy period, but that everyone was proud they had been able to help.

"We are very proud of the work we do because we know we are putting something back into the NHS.

"We had a number of calls on Christmas day and Boxing day which involved collecting medicines that were needed and bringing them back to FGH."

Experienced motorcyclist Mr Walker was able to beat the traffic and the adverse weather conditions of Boxing day to collect theatre equipment and notes for the maternity unit at FGH without delay.

He was able to filter through long tailbacks on the A590 caused by flooding at Lindal to reach Barrow's hospital as quickly as possible.

Mr Walker said: "No-one hesitates to put their name on the rota to provide 24 hour cover for the hospital.

"If we're saving the NHS money and providing a valuable service, it's worth it."