THE Freshwater Biological Association is calling for citizen scientists for its next Big Windermere Survey on Sunday, November 17. 

The goal of the survey, an initiative by the Freshwater Biological Association and Lancaster University, is to carry out monitoring of Windermere, England's largest natural lake, harnessing the power of volunteer citizen scientists.

Four times a year, volunteers compile water samples to be tested in accredited laboratories.

The data collected builds a picture of the ecological pressures facing the lake.

A particular concern is algal blooms and bacterial pollution which can cause harm to both human and animal life.

The focus of the BWS is on the nutrients and bacteria that are behind these potential threats. 

The information gathered aids in deciding the best course of action in maintaining the health of Windermere and has led to investigations into high phosphorus and bacterial concentrations from various wastewater sources.

To join fill out this form, anyone can take part and volunteers need no previous experience.