Trees have been planted across Cumbria this week as a 'heartfelt' tribute to people living in care.

Dubbed the 'Positivitrees', the new trees were planted in Barrow, Kendal and Penrith by Westmorland and Furness Council.

The council explained that the idea is intended as a 'heartfelt symbol of our commitment to care-experienced young people' across the region.

The 'Positivitrees' were done as part of National Care Leavers WeekThe 'Positivitrees' were done as part of National Care Leavers Week (Image: Christopher Holmes; Westmorland and Furness Council)

A spokesperson added: "Set up by the National Leaving Care Benchmarking Forum, the 'Positivitrees' represent our commitment to helping care-experienced young people grow, thrive, and access the support outlined in our ‘local offer’."

The planting coincided with National Care Leavers Week, which aims to shine a light on the struggles that many young people go through when they are no longer eligible for the care system.

You can find out more about the support that Westmorland and Furness Council for young care leavers by visiting the website here.