A GOVERNMENT INSPECTOR will decide whether a number of self-build homes can be constructed on the edge of Kendal after an appeal was lodged.

Mr F and M Pennington have lodged an appeal with the Planning Inspectorate after members of South Lakeland local area planning committee refused an outline application for the construction of eight detached four/five bedroomed homes on land to the north of Underbarrow Road.

The proposed development was refused in April for eight different reasons, according to a decision notice, which says the information submitted does not provide ‘adequate justification’ for eight detached houses on a 1.3 hectares site.

Other reasons include the lack of an assessment on the impacts the proposed development may have on the neighbouring Lake District National Park.

However, planning documents submitted on behalf of the applicant state applications for developments south of Underbarrow Road were accompanied by a report which concluded there would be ‘no impact’ on the attributes of the world heritage site.

Planning documents submitted from the applicant conclude: “The site is opposite a much larger site currently being developed for residential purposes and can be regarded as a sustainable windfall site, the development of which is clearly acceptable both in terms of national and local planning policies.

“Most importantly the scheme avoids the production of an abrupt urban edge, with a plot layout that does not harm the character and appearance of the area.”

A letter submitted to planning officers from H&H Land and Estates said it was ‘abundantly evident’ that demand for four/five bedroom detached houses was ‘high’.

Colin Tomlinson, consultant director at H&H estates, told the committee in April: “The demand is emphasised by the constant flow of enquiries at our offices. I would suggest there is an enquiry at least once a week for self-build houses. In fact, I had one personally to me on Tuesday.

“There is no doubt the demand exceeds the supply, there’s a dearth and an absence of available building plots for self-build throughout the Kendal area, South Lakeland and Furness.”

Planning documents submitted by the appellant add the application will encourage business owners to come to the area ‘with all the economic and social benefits that come with them’.

However, planning officers told the committee data ‘clearly shows’ the area is in need of two and three-bedroom properties.

A report prepared by planning officers states: “A recent Rightmove search showed that within 5 miles of Kendal there was over 100 4+ bedroom properties for sale, with nearly 50 of those being 5+ bedrooms.

“Interestingly, a search in the same area for 2 and 3 bedroom properties identified 120 properties for sale, which is slightly more than the 4+ bedroom properties, but not significantly more to argue there is a need for more larger properties in the area.”

The 2023 Westmorland and Furness strategic housing and economic needs assessment states that within the South Lakeland area for market housing, the area is most in need of two-bedroom properties, followed by three bedroom properties.

The Planning Inspectorate is considering the appeal.