Staff at a Barrow school are learning Makaton to support children with learning and communication difficulties.

A team of 16 staff from Newbarns Primary and Nursery School have started learning Level 1 of the programme, which uses signs, symbols, and speech to aid understanding.

They are being led by specialist sign Makaton tutor Karen Baxter in group sessions at the school on Rising Side.

Deputy headteacher Victoria Fitzgibbons said staff had been 'enthusiastic' to learn the system for the benefit of the pupils and had picked up sentences even after the first session.

She said: "Last year we looked at visuals as a communication method and this is the next step to enhance our signing language.

"Some of our children haven’t got any other method of communication and this gives them a voice.

"It has already had a really big impact after just a couple of weeks with staff signing to children in the classroom and corridors with our signs of the week.

"It is a simple system as you do not have to sign every word for pupils to get the gist of what you are saying.

"Television programmes such as Mr Tumble use this system so it will really enhance the pupils’ learning experience."

Staff are sharing a 'Makaton Monday' on social mediaStaff are sharing a 'Makaton Monday' on social media (Image: Supplied)

The workshops have begun at Level 1 and involve teaching staff, staff from the Hive—the school’s provision for children with additional needs—and the nursery.

As staff advance to the next level of learning, a new cohort will begin, to ensure that all staff eventually gain an understanding of Makaton.

Staff are also sharing 'Makaton Monday' on social media, allowing children, staff, and parents to begin learning words and phrases.

Mrs Fitzgibbons said: "When we do events across the Trust the aim is that our children will be able to talk to children in other schools who also use Makaton."