POLICE have made 33 arrests in three months as part of a crackdown on anti-social behaviour in 'hotspots' across south Cumbria. 

In the first months of Operation Enhance, the police say that they completed more than 720 hours of additional patrols in problem areas of Barrow, Kendal, Ulverston and Bowness. 

Cumbria Police have also conducted 115 stop and searches, received 309 intelligence submissions and used ASB powers on 11 occasions, it is claimed. 

A spokesperson said: "The operation has seen a significant reduction in antisocial behaviour across the hotspot areas compared to the previous year whilst serious violence is down considerably in hotspot areas when compared to the rest of the county."

The police claimed earlier this month that Operation Enhance has brought down antisocial behaviour in hotspots by 36.7 per cent compared to last year. 

The crackdown has been funded by £1million of extra funding secured from the Government's Hotspot Response Fund.