PLANS for three homes in a south Cumbrian village are set to be given the green light by the council despite receiving 27 objections.

Members of South Lakeland local area planning committee for Westmorland and Furness Council are recommended to approve plans for the houses to be built on land off Lady Moyra Incline in Beckside.

Plans for three homes on the site were approved by the committee in 2018 but the current application involves the provision of an affordable home and the removal of a garage.

A report prepared for the committee meeting says: “The proposal would have an acceptable impact on the form and character of the area, highways safety, residential amenity, and ecology.

“Additionally, the 1 affordable dwelling would provide a significant planning gain when compared with the previously approved scheme for 3 open market dwellings.”

However, the proposals have received objections from residents, as well as from Kirkby Ireleth Parish Council.

The parish council say access onto and off the site will be ‘extremely difficult’ as it is located off a narrow road but a report by planning officers says the impact on road safety would be ‘acceptable’.

In response to the plans, objectors have labelled the proposals ‘intrusive’ and raised concerns the proposed houses would reduce levels of privacy for nearby residents.

One resident commented: “The topology of the land means the proposed development will overshadow the rest of the properties in the village.”

Another added: “The mere presence of these dwellings will dilute and detract from the original period designs and appearance of the houses in the immediate locality.”

According to a report prepared by planning officers, the applicants have removed a garage and moved one of the proposed properties further away from the boundary to prevent ‘significant harm’ from overshadowing.

The report adds: “The separation distance between the neighbouring dwellings and the proposed dwellings would be sufficient to prevent significant impacts from overbearance, overshadowing, or loss of daylighting.”

Members of South Lakeland local area planning committee will consider the application when they meet on October 24 at Kendal Town Hall.