PDSA Vet Nurse Nina Downing answers your questions.


Dear PDSA, my dog Sadie seems to get really depressed over winter, could she be suffering from Seasonal Affective Disorder? Kelly

Dear Kelly, pets don’t really suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) in the same way that humans do. But they can be affected by the seasons – the darker nights and colder weather can alter their routine. So Sadie may want to sleep or eat more, and might not be so keen to brave the outdoors!

However, ensuring she still gets daily exercise, outdoors in the daylight whenever possible, is the best way for both you and Sadie to stay positive through the winter months. On the very wintry days, you’ll need to keep up with exercise through indoor play, for some ideas, visit: www.pdsa.org.uk/IndoorDogGames


My Guinea Pig’s nails have grown incredibly long recently. Do I need to cut them? Emma

Dear Emma, guinea pigs do need to have their nails trimmed regularly, as if they get long and curl around it can be painful, cause infections in their feet and make walking difficult.

Small pets need to be carefully handled for a procedure like this – having one person hold them firmly while the other trims the nails is usually best. You could ask your vet or vet nurse to demonstrate this first before you have a go yourself.

The important thing is not to cut into the ‘quick’ which is a blood vessel running through the middle of the nails. If the nails are pale you can easily see this, but if their nails are dark in can be difficult to spot. In this case err on the side of caution, and only trim the very ends.


Dear PDSA, my dog sadly passed away recently, and I’m left with quite a few packets of tablets of the various medications he was on. Can I donate these to an animal charity? Nelson

Dear Nelson, I’m sorry to hear about your loss. By law, in the UK prescription medications can only be given to the animal they were prescribed for.

Although this might seem wasteful, the law is designed to ensure medication remains safe and effective for the pets in their vet's care. Your vet practice will dispose of leftover medications safely for you.

However, if you prefer, there are some veterinary charities who are able to accept certain medications for use by veterinarians in overseas campaigns. As long as they are not restricted to specific storage instructions, have not expired and are in their original, unopened packaging.


Dear PDSA, my cat Tabitha keeps tossing her food all over the kitchen floor. She's eating from a ceramic bowl. Why is she doing this? Mica

Dear Mica, it may be that your cat doesn’t like the bowl she's eating from. It’s usually plastic bowls that can affect the taste of a cat’s food but it may be that there’s something about the bowl that she doesn’t like. 

You can try changing the bowl to a different one, perhaps a shallower and wider one, made with reinforced glass or a stainless steel one. You can also try different food in case that’s what she’s objecting to. 

Sometimes cats do like playing with their food, especially if it’s dry kibble. Playing a game with her before she eats may replace the fun of throwing around her supper!  There are toys where you can put part of her daily food allocation in, so your cat has to work for her food – some cats love these!