PLANS to replace an existing wind turbine in Furness with one 30 metres taller have been branded ‘unacceptable’ by a parish council.

Solar Ventus Ltd has applied to Westmorland and Furness Council to replace the existing wind turbine on land off Askam Road near Dalton with a wind turbine which measures 77 metres from the ground to the tip of the blade.

The existing wind turbine on the site was granted planning permission in 2013 and measures 44 metres in height.

Planning documents state: “There is clearly an identified need to reduce carbon emissions, and ensure the security of energy supply, with renewable energy sources playing a key role.

“The applicant is therefore seeking to repower an existing wind turbine to maximise energy generation and efficiency, whilst minimising the environmental and visual impact.”

However, concerns have been raised by local residents as well as Askam and Ireleth Parish Council regarding the impact of the proposed wind turbine.

In response to the plans the parish council said: “The increase in size, noise and flicker will disadvantage the residents more than the current turbine.

“There would appear to be no reason other than purely commercial to increase the size of this turbine which would impact the lives of people in the area, which is unacceptable.”

One local resident commented that the wind turbine is larger than the existing one which causes ‘noise issues’ when the wind is blowing towards their house.

They added: “I am concerned that an increase in size will cause an increase in the noise problem and am not convinced the increased power production makes this worthwhile.”

However, an environmental report conducted on behalf of the applicants concludes: “The application has been sensitively designed and will not give rise to any significant adverse environmental impacts on the local or wider area.”

This planning application is under consideration.