A BARROW man assaulted and threatened to provoke unlawful violence towards his ex-girlfriend, a court heard.

Samuel Jordan, of Rawlinson Street, admitted using threatening / abusive / insulting words / behaviour with the intention of causing his former partner to believe that immediate unlawful violence would be used against her at South Cumbria Magistrates’ Court on August 27.

The 32-year-old also pleaded guilty to assaulting the same woman by beating her in court that same day.

The court heard both offences took place on December 17 last year.

Magistrates sentenced the defendant to a 12-month community with five RAR days on October 2.

They also fined Jordan £300 and said imposing a compensation order would serve to ‘ecacerbate’ the situation.

He was also issued with a six-month restraining order preventing him from contacting the victim in any way, save via a third party for the sole purpose of arranging child contact.