A band is hoping to put its talents to good use by raising money for a charity in Barrow.

The Askam Town Band is joining forces with Amabile Choir to host the special event on Saturday, October 5 from 7pm.

This will take place at the Salvation Army centre on Abbey Road, who will be the main beneficiary of the concert.

Sarah Griffiths said: "This fundraising event will support the Salvation Army to provide food and clothing to our most vulnerable people in our community this winter and also help us fund our Askam junior brass academy.

"We have been working hard on some great music and we can’t wait for you to hear it."

Alongside the band and choir, the event will feature music from Karl Jenkins, Edward Gregson and Piazolla.

Tickets cost £10 and can be bought by ringing 01229 433550 or by emailing barrow.in.furness@salvationarmy.org.uk.