IT IS a matter of ‘considerable regret that numerous premises’ in a Lake District town are allowed to stay open ‘several hours’ after midnight, according to councillors.

Windermere and Bowness Town Council said in a planning consultation it would be ‘unjust’ to object to plans for Domino’s Pizza in Bowness to stay open later as ‘numerous precedents’ have been set.

DPRS (Windermere) Ltd has applied to the Lake District National Park Authority (LDNPA) to vary a condition of its planning permission so the takeaway restaurant on Lake Road can stay open until 2am.

The town council said: “This Council considers that it is a matter of considerable regret that numerous premises in Bowness have been granted permission to operate for several hours after midnight, resulting in Bowness becoming a widely-known attraction for late-night revellers whose anti-social behaviour frequently continues well into the small-hours.

“The resulting ambience is, therefore, far removed from that expected in a National Park. Most unfortunately, numerous precedents have been set, so it would appear unjust to deny the applicants an extension of hours, particularly in view of a favourable noise impact assessment specifically relating to this application.”

The pizza chain has applied to amend the condition which states that the extraction equipment shall not be operated between midnight and 8am.

Planning documents say: “Whilst the hours of opening are not restricted the above condition restricts the effective use of the premises as a pizza takeaway. Domino’s seeks to extend the hours of operation to 02:00 each day of the week.”

According to the Domino’s Pizza website, the takeaway is open until 1am on Fridays and Saturdays, and until midnight Sunday to Thursday.

The application points out there are a number of venues in the town that are open late so the ‘principle of late night operation is well established’.

The planning statement adds: “As such, the proposal to allow a modest extension to the hours of operation in line with neighbouring properties will enhance the overall offer of the town to residents and visitors alike as a modern world class destination.”

The planning application is under consideration.