Ford Park is set to become more accessible as a new pathway project begins.

The work, set to start on Monday, September 30, aims to alleviate the muddy conditions that have been a challenge for park visitors, especially those with pushchairs or limited mobility.

The project, expected to take about four weeks, will be carried out by Luscomes Plant Hire.

The new path is designed to benefit a wide range of park users, including ParkRun participants, dog walkers, and families with young children.

Ford Park has received significant financial support for the project from various organisations.

Ulverston BID has contributed £10,000, the Bernard Sunley Foundation has donated £5,000, the Ulverston Town Council Community Infrastructure Levy has provided £11,210, and the Shared Prosperity Fund via Active Cumbria has given £16,000.

Despite this generous funding, the park is still £2,000 short of its target.

The additional funds will be used to improve the path that runs along the driveway, an area that often becomes waterlogged in winter, rendering it unusable.

ParkRunners have been contributing to the donation bucket over the past few weeks, helping to close the funding gap.

The park is hopeful that other users will also support the project and help raise the remaining £1,500.

The park is encouraging anyone who wishes to contribute to the new pathway to make a donation via their website.