A PENSIONER who put out an appeal to find the Good Samaritans who helped him after a fall has tracked them down via the power of the press.

Graham Stemp, who is three months off his 88th birthday, fell when out walking in Bowness.

After falling on a footpath around Cockshott Point from Bowness, Mr Stemp ended up dripping with blood but was carefully looked after by strangers.

Mr Stemp contacted us to try and find the people who helped him so he could thank them.

A husband and wife, who wish to remain anonymous, reached out after reading Graham’s story in The Westmorland Gazette.

They said: “We are so pleased to hear that he received the necessary treatment and has made a full recovery.

“We were walking behind him and saw that he went down with quite a bump! We were on our way back from a walk up Claife Heights with some friends who were visiting from Berkshire.”

They said another walker stepped in to help when the husband went back to find his hearing aid.

“Please pass on our best wishes and make it clear that we need no further thanks than to know that he is fit and well," they said.

“We will also share this story with our friends, who actually stayed with him at the warden’s office longer than we did. I am sure it will bring a warm glow to their hearts.”

Graham is recovering from his fall and had his five stitches removed on Tuesday. He said: “I’m beginning to look a bit more presentable.”