A new business hub and co-working space in Barrow opened its doors for the first time last week.

Operated by Furness Media, they have transformed their offices on Dalton Road into a space that can be used regularly by the public.

On Friday, September 20, the meeting room welcomed its first ever guests with a team from KOFAC claiming that honour.

A spokesperson from Furness Media said: "We can't wait to fully open up our space very soon and see this room buzzing with all kinds of meetings and gatherings." 

Plans have been in motion to create the new space since April this year with the team now putting the finishing touches together.

In their commitment to being a more sustainable business, the majority of the furniture used at the hub has been refurbished by Ergo Outlet and ORS UK.

If you are interested in using the space, then you are invited to contact Furness Media at info@furness.co.uk.