A man and a woman from Barrow have been banned from keeping pets for 10 years after causing 'unnecessary suffering' to a pet dog.

Anthony Collingwood, 25, pleaded guilty to two charges on Monday, September 16 at South Cumbria Magistrates' Court.

This was added to a third charge that Collingwood also admitted to in July this year.

Chantelle Lyly Fitzpatrick pleaded guilty to the three same charges in June earlier this year.

The pair, both of Egerton Court, were said to be in violation of sections 4(1), 9, 32(1) and 32(2) of the Animal Welfare Act 2006 following their treatment of dogs across 2022.

On or before August 22 2022 at Coal Clough Lane in Burnley, Collingwood and Fitzpatrick were said to have caused unnecessary suffering to a protected animal, namely a white and tan male Staffordshire bull terrier type dog called Patch.

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This came about through a failure to act in the dog's best interest, namely to investigate and address the causes of his poor bodily condition and weight loss.

They also admitted to failing to provide proper and necessary veterinary care and attention for his ear infection and wounds, in the knowledge that failure to do so would lead to his suffering.

Along with Patch, the pair failed to meet the needs of a tan and white female lurcher type dog called Luna and a tan female terrier type dog called Star.

They were said to have not provided a suitable environment - protected from pain, suffering, injury and disease - due to lack of appropriate control of fleas, the need for an appropriate diet, fresh water and for adequate care and supervision.

The defendants' guilty pleas were taken into account when it came to sentencing.

They were both fined £40 for each of the three offences and told to pay a £114 victim surcharge each.

They were also banned from owning another animal for 10 years with a minimum of five years to be carried out before an application for the termination of the order could be submitted.