The newly-appointed head students at Chetwynde School have promised to encourage healthier lifestyles among their peers.

Sophie Ackred and Alex Edgar, the head girl and head boy, along with deputies Charlotte Renney and Jacob Moyse, aim to promote the benefits of being more active.

Their plans include boosting the number of students cycling to school and expanding the after-school sports club offer.

Mr Edgar, who has been cycling to school since Year 7, said: "Cycling to school gives me a boost, it wakes me up and gets me ready for the day.

"I want to work to expand the bike sheds so there is lots more space."

Miss Ackred, who plays cricket, table tennis, football, and golf, hopes to study to become a maths and PE teacher after sixth form.

She said: "I love sport and I think it gives you so many skills including being a good leader.

"I hope we can get more variety of sports played while I am here."

Both students expressed their fondness for the family-like atmosphere at Chetwynde, a finalist in Cumbria’s Golden Apple Education Awards, and their pride in their new roles.

Miss Ackred said: "I am enjoying the responsibility of having children in the school that you are there to look after, support and make sure they are happy.

"It is often easier to speak to another pupil rather than a teacher.

"I want to be a good role model for them showing them how you can get good grades by working hard, listening and not getting behaviour points."

Mr Edgar, a drama enthusiast, is excited about his role as Professor Callahan in the school’s upcoming production of Legally Blonde.

He said: "This character teaches law at Harvard and it has got me thinking about studying law at college."

The team is now preparing their presentation for the school’s upcoming open evening on September 26, which is their first major responsibility as head pupils.