Members of the Barrow community banded together yesterday (September 17) to repair damage done by vandals who went on an overnight rampage

Between the hours of 12.30am and 3.45am on Tuesday, five large planters, four small planters and a bench were mindlessly destroyed in the town centre.

This resulted in several tonnes of soil spreading over Portland Walk with damage done to several of the trees and plants.

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Local cleaning services company GrimeFighters took its Facebook page slamming the culprits 'idiots' but immediately got to action

Matt Blackburn, who runs GrimeFighters, said: "I put a call out on my Grimefighters Facebook page for help and several people, including shop owners, BAE staff and their contractors, along with members of the Furness Multi-Cultural Community Forum, turned up to help out and get Portland Walk back in order.

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"It took us three hours to put several tonnes of soil back in the planters after we had fixed them but it's now all looking nice again.

(Image: GrimeFighters) "Unfortunately a few try and spoil it for everyone but we will not give up trying to improve our town and we thank everyone that helps us, a lot of people really appreciate the effort that we put in and we will not give up trying.

"Let's hope the new police CCTV will have caught the culprits in the act."

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(Image: GrimeFighters)

Co-founder of social media management company Click Furness 360 Darren McSweeney was walking to work in the morning after the night of destruction.

He said: "There seems to be a significant increase in this kind criminal damage recently both in Portland Walk and the sports pitches getting torn up with illegal bikes.

"The public are crying out for action. We can’t keep relying on people to put the damage right, we need real action to tackle the issues."