A CAMPAIGN is running to donate your unwanted warm coats to help people in need.

This campaign, titled Wrap Up, is to help men, women, young people, children and babies keep warm this winter.

Rotary clubs are collecting good quality, unwanted thick, warm coats at a range of collection points in South Cumbria. 

The collection will run between Wednesday, October 7 and Saturday, October 26 to over 20 collection sites spread around Barrow, Ulverston, Milnthorpe and Kendal.

People are requested to put them into the branded white collection boxes. 

In 2019 five Rotary Clubs in south Cumbria came together to collect unwanted thick warm winter coats which were then distributed to local charities, to hand out to individuals and families in need.

The campaign was successful and over 2,200 coats were collected from 44 collection points and then distributed to 10 identified charitable organisations. These organisations all provide frontline services to the homeless, the elderly, refugees, families, children, and those fleeing domestic violence

To find a collection point visit Wrap Up Cumbria South here.