A FATHER who threatened to slit the throats of his partner and their son has been spared an immediate prison sentence.

James Cresswell produced a flick knife, put it at his son's throat and threatened his partner while under the influence of drink and drugs, a court heard.

Recorder David Temkin said that Cresswell, of Steel Street, Barrow, told his family: "I'm going to slit your throats - I don't mind doing time for both of you."

The 49-year-old threatened his now ex-partner and his son during an altercation at Bardsea Leisure on January 9, 2022.

Preston Crown Court heard from prosecutor Tara Riley that Cresswell was annoyed with his partner over a family matter.

"The situation escalated," she said. She told the court his family members managed to calm him down before he left the property to get more drugs.

Just months later on April 23 2022, Cresswell breached his bail conditions by sending his former partner a threatening text.

In her personal statement, she said she was left 'worried and scared for my wellbeing' and that she 'struggled to sleep' after.

Reading out her statement to the court, Ms Riley said: "I felt like I had done something wrong. I don't really leave my home anymore other than to do some food shopping. I am too scared of bumping into James."

Mitigating, Richard Vardon said: "I do not intend to minimise the gravity of this offending."

He told the court the latest offence happened 30 months ago and Cresswell had not reoffended since. Mr Vardon also submitted that Cresswell had never committed an act of violence and that he managed to stay in employment.

In his sentencing remarks at Preston Crown Court on September 17, Recorder Temkin told Cresswell his victim found his actions 'absolutely terrifying.'

The judge added that Cresswell initially tried to deny sending the text when he spoke to police officers but he spared his family from a trial by admitting his guilt at the last opportunity to do so.

He admitted intimidating a witness and threatening his partner and son with an offensive weapon.

The judge added there was 'drink and drugs' at the time of the offence but agreed with Mr Vardon that there was 'no action of violence.'

Recorder Temkin handed Cresswell a 50-week sentence suspended over two years. He was also given a 12-month rehabilitation activity requirement and ordered to pay £500 in costs.  

Recorder Temkin also imposed a restraining order banning Cresswell from seeing his former partner and his son.