NEW plans have been submitted for a storage compound for hundreds of cars in the Lake District.

Lloyd Motor Group has applied to the Lake District National Park Authority to provide 254 car storage spaces for use by local dealerships next to the existing South Lakes BMW dealership near Lindale.

The 2.38-hectare site is currently undeveloped land and is bounded by the A590 to the north and undeveloped land to the south.

The design and access statement says: “Currently, there is insufficient vehicle compound space to serve the nearby car repair workshop and showroom facilities.

“The proposal addresses this issue by providing 254 car storage spaces for use by local dealerships. The A590 running along the northern site boundary has sustained heavy traffic and so from a noise perspective, the compound will be low impact in this context.”

Plans for a 2.13-hectare site were previously turned down by the LDNPA in August due to concerns the proposal would have ‘adverse’ visual and landscape effects.

READ MORE: Lake District: Lindale car storage plans refused by planners

The decision notice said: “The proposed car storage use is likely to be visible and intrusive in this location. The landscaping proposed would not be sufficient to properly enclose and adequately screen the use.

“There is a lack of any screening to the east side. Security fencing and lighting would further exacerbate the adverse appearance. The access arrangements would also have adverse landscape and visual effects.”

The new plans say a five-metre-wide landscaping strip to the north west site boundary and an eight metre wide strip to the south east site boundary provides screening and will create a wildlife zone.

According to plans, vehicles will be delivered to the site using car transporters to the existing access which serves the BMW dealership. It is proposed a spur road will link the storage facility with the dealership.

This planning application is under consideration.