A community leader has been successful in his bid for 20mph zone to be considered in a Barrow ward.

Councillor Paul Griffiths, who founded the Roosecote Community Hub Facebook group, has long called for action to tackle speeding in the area.

Speaking to the Mail in 2021, Cllr Griffiths found that residents were keen for action but progress had been slow following consultation with local police officers.

He confirmed on September 5 via his Facebook group that his application to Westmorland and Furness council had been successful in considering making Roosecote a 20mph zone.

Cllr Griffiths said: "I've long been concerned that whilst Roose School is within a 20mph zone, Yarlside School on Holbeck is still a 30mph speed limit.

"My daughter was hit by a car when coming home from Yarlside School a lot of years ago, and I could never quite understand why the difference between the two schools.

(Image: Google Maps) "Over a year ago Westmorland and Furness Council announced an initial funding pot of £300k for communities to submit proposals for 20mph zones.

"Any proposal had to be submitted by a local council and so I proposed to Barrow Town Council we collectively canvass our respective wards - which was accepted by my colleagues."

The councillor received feedback from over 250 residents after he canvassed Roosecote. 

He found the majority of residents were in favour with the area around Yarlside School the most popular request.

All wards in Barrow were invited to submit their feedback and then invited to a meeting to discuss with Westmorland and Furness council.

The local authority then took onboard feedback and considered the applications.

From the 11 wards in Barrow, five - Roosecote, Hawcoat, Newbarns, Ormsgill and North Walney -were accepted for the first stage.

The next stage is for residents of the proposed areas to be consulted on the plans and have the opportunity to have their say.

The consultation is being publicised via local media, online, posters around the respective areas, and leaflet drops, inviting residents to drop-in consultations or online surveys. 

Cllr Griffiths added: "I was really pleased to see that Roosecote was selected, in particular around Yarlside School.

"I understand that some residents feel this is a waste of time and won't stop the high-speed motorists and that low speeds cause more emissions.

(Image: Google Maps) "My own view is that having done some research, suggestions are that over 50% of motorists abide by the relevant speed limit, plus modern-day cars emit lower emissions at low speeds, which is another benefit around the schools and play areas.

"We may not slow down the boy/girl racers but if we can slow down half of the motorists, that can only be a good thing.

Cllr Griffiths, alongside colleagues, continue to discuss further motoring concerns with the relevant organisations to help make the area safer.