A PERMANENT sign warning visitors to keep dogs on leads and close supervision of children has been installed on the jetty in Roa Island. 

Last week Bodie, a pet dog, fell into the water off the jetty and has not been seen since despite a search operation. Owner Daryl Archer started a fundraiser for a permanent sign warning other dog owners and parents to be careful around the strong currents. Mr Archer quickly raised £1,375. 

With the help of Barrow Town Councillor Paul Griffiths, town clerk Lesley Smyth and Furness Plastics, the sign is now in place. 

It reads: "CAUTION Please be mindful of the potential of falls from the jetty and strong current. Please keep dogs on leads and close supervision of children." 

The existing sign asking visitors not to queue on the jetty has been replaced, with the same request now underneath and with a black background. 

Cllr Griffiths thanked Furness Plastics for 'prioritising this job.'