A JUDGE described a prolific Barrow offender with more than 400 offences as having ‘one of the worst’ criminal records he had ever seen.

Craig James Adams was jailed at Preston Crown Court after admitting a spate of offences against healthcare professionals, paramedics and police officers.

He was also in breach of a previously imposed 27-week suspended sentence order imposed in August 2023.

The court was told the suspended sentence relating to Adams making a derogatory reference to a doctor’s German nationality, as well as another offensive reference to a doctor’s skin colour.

READ MORE: Notorious criminal racially abused and assaulted 999 staff

Prosecuting the case on September 12, Joe Allman said Adams was ‘abusive and threatening’ to two paramedics who attended his home address on Low White Drive, Barrow, on May 1 this year after reporting that he had taken an overdose.

The court heard Adams told one of the paramedics he would ‘cut his throat’ among other more serious allegations.

He was taken to Furness General Hospital where he continued to be ‘hugely disruptive’. As a result the police were called, the court was told.

Whilst sat in a mobility chair, Adams told PC Liam Poole ‘I will break your neck’, ‘I will bite your face off’ and ‘I will knock you right out’ before threatening he would murder him and his family, Mr Allman said.

He said the defendant then spat at the officer twice, one of which landed on his clothing.

The court was told during this incident Adams also threatened the hospital receptionist by saying: ‘I know where you live, I will slit your throat.”

Adams then urinated on the hospital floor through his jogging bottoms before eventually being arrested, Mr Allman said.

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He was released under investigation by police for these offences when he committed another spree of offences two days later.

The court heard Adams made a 999 call on May 3 claiming he was suffering from a panic attack when he told the call operator he would snap someone’s neck and that he would attack police with a rounders bat.

He was subsequently arrested when paramedics and police arrived at his home.

Mr Allman told the court a healthcare assistant of Indian heritage was called to Barrow police station whilst the defendant was in the cells.

He said the defendant referred to her being Nigerian and that he said that they were all thieves. He also used another racist derogatory term and swore at the woman, the court heard.

In mitigation, defence barrister John Woodward said: “He apologises and does not recall his behaviour. He sees the reason why he behaved in this way as being from his intoxication through drink and drugs.

“He is deeply ashamed of his behaviour and can only put it down to his trauma he suffered as a child. He is still trying to come to terms with what has happened.

“Unless he abstains and comes to terms with this, he knows he will find himself back before the court again and again. His future is very much in his own hands.”

The 49-year-old admitted two counts of assaulting an emergency worker by beating, three public order act offences, one count of racial / religious aggravated harassment to cause harassment alarm or distress and another charge of sending an offensive / indecent / menacing message or matter by public communication network.

Appearing in court via video link from HMP Preston, His Honour Judge Philip Parry jailed Adams for 12 months.

Before proceeding to sentence, Judge Parry made reference to Adams having 144 previous convictions for 426 offences.

He told Adams: “Your previous criminal history is absolutely appalling. It is one of the worst antecedent records I have ever seen. Your offending is unpleasant and often involves racist offences.

 I have to sentence you today for your absolutely terrible behaviour.

“You take to abuse people who are trying to help you when you are in drink.

"I do not believe that you are remorseful. You are not complying with current orders and are not motivated to rehabilitate yourself.”