A MILLOM car showroom could be changed into a new gym if the application for the change of use is approved by Cumberland Council.

It is for the former Ford dealership is at a site in Market Street which covers a total area of 80 square metres.

The business currently employs one full-time employee and two part time members of staff but, if the application is approved, an extra part-time role would be created.

According to a planning statement the site is within Millom town centre and it is on the corner of Lancashire Road and Market Street.

The change of use would affect the entire building and, according to the report, the existing use of the site as a car showroom will cease in the near future, at which point the building will become vacant.

It adds: "No external alternations would be proposed in the application. The building as existing is finished in a cream render, with a grey/blue box profile metal sheet roof.

"Internally, the unit would be refitted with gym equipment, and the internal existing office space would be rearranged to be utilised as changing rooms and a physio room, as detailed on the submitted plans. The internal kitchen and toilets will remain as existing."

It is proposed that the opening hours would be from 4am to 11pm, in order to cater to Sellafield shift workers, a number of which live within Millom due to the proximity of the Sellafield site.

The report concludes: "The proposed development provides the opportunity for a new business in a suitable location within Millom.

"The proposed use will provide a suitable reuse for a vacant unit within a Key Service centre.

"The proposed development will provide a positive leisure and health related use, which will also provide employment, on an existing employment site.

"It is contended therefore that the proposed development is acceptable and is in accordance with both national and local planning policy, and therefore should be approved."