Drivers are being asked to respect road closures for the Ulverston Lantern Festival.

On Saturday night, the town centre will be closed to traffic for three hours to ensure the safety of the crowds expected to attend the event.

A map of the road closures for this year's Lantern Festival A map of the road closures for this year's Lantern Festival (Image: NQ)

The event, which is the biggest of its kind in Europe, will see up to 10,000 people fill the streets to enjoy the Story Time procession.

The roads around the town centre will be closed from 7pm to 10pm as the processions make their way through the streets and gather in County Square.

This will be followed by a River of Light up to Ford Park for the fireworks finale at around 9pm.

The festival is run by volunteers and is self-fundingThe festival is run by volunteers and is self-funding (Image: NQ)

Festival chairman, Chris Nelson, said: "Ulverston Lantern Festival is the biggest night of the year for the town and is enjoyed by generations of families who make their lanterns and then join the event together.

"But our biggest priority is keeping everyone safe, so we have to ensure cars are not on the roads.

"We have made every effort to inform local people about the event and have delivered letters to homes in the streets affected, and put up notices around the town.

"However, there will always be some people who don’t realise the event is taking place and we hope they will support us on Saturday by being patient.

The lantern festival will feature everything from Star Wars and Harry Potter to Disney favourites, fairy tales and TV icon BlueyThe lantern festival will feature everything from Star Wars and Harry Potter to Disney favourites, fairy tales and TV icon Bluey (Image: NQ)

"These are official road closures and people need to be aware that their insurance is not valid if they drive on those routes, and they are putting lives and their own futures at risk.

"Vehicles attempting to drive on closed streets will be reported to the police."

The streets affected by the closures include King Street, Queen Street, Buxton Place, and more.

The A590 at County Square will also close for a short period around 8pm to allow processions to cross.

Stewards will be on duty to ensure the roads remain traffic-free.

Drivers are urged to respect the closures and be aware that thousands of people will still be on the streets.

Any vehicles parked within the closed zone of the town centre must wait until the roads are reopened.

With the finale taking place in Ford Park, cars will not be able to drive through the park between 7pm and 10pm.

This is to allow for set-up before the fireworks finale and afterwards, to allow the crowds to disperse.

The festival is run by volunteers and is self-funding.

The majority of the £10,000 needed to stage the event each year comes from cash collected from spectators on the night itself.

The 2024 theme is Story Time and organisers have been seeing withy and paper lantern creations taking shape, featuring everything from Star Wars and Harry Potter to Disney favourites, fairy tales and TV icon Bluey.

Lantern kits are still on sale for £6 each from Appleseeds in Market Street and lantern workshops are taking place at The Coronation Hall from 5.30pm to 8.30pm every night up until Friday.

To find out more about the festival go to the Ulverston Lantern Festival Facebook page or visit

To volunteer please contact Chris Nelson on 07761 930627 or email