HAIRY Biker Si King has asked the public for their help after a 'really important' motorbike used in the Dave Day celebrations was stolen.

On Sunday, September 8, Dale Worsley shared that his Royal Enfield Himalayan bike was taken from his driveway in Ogwell, Devon.

Dale described how 'grateful' he would be to be reunited with the beloved bike, which he could not 'afford to lose for sentimental reasons'.

Si took to social media on Monday night to ask fans for their support.

He said: "I need your help because Dale is quite a good mate of Dave [Myers] and I, and Lili [Myers] and the whole Bikers family.

"He's just had his bike nicked that he did Dave Day on, and I'm just appealing to anybody that may see it or may come across it.

"And actually, to the people who nicked it, it's a really important motorcycle to him so please, just give it back."

The celebrations in June saw thousands of people come together in Barrow to celebrate the life of Dave after he passed away in February.

Dale was just one of the thousands of motorbike enthusiasts to take part in the massive event which saw the large convoy travel from London to Cumbria.

"Honestly, he did the Dave Day ride on it and it's important to us all, actually," Si added.

"I know everybody's skint and I know that people do things that they don't mean to do sometimes - and sometimes they do.

"But if you can find it within yourselves to give it back, I'd be grateful because I have to confess that I've taken it very personally.

"So, have a good think and make it reappear, if you wouldn't mind - thanks."