A replica of the first seaplane to successfully fly in the UK, will take to the air once more this weekend.

Members of the public are being presented with an opportunity to see flights of a unique replica of the UK’s first seaplane – Waterbird.

(Image: Newsquest)

The Waterbird is the only replica seaplane of its era anywhere in the world, faithfully recreating the detail of the original model from 1911.

A third round of flying displays by Lakes Flying Company will take place on Windermere, Waterbird’s original home, on Friday 6 and Saturday 7 September from 7pm.

(Image: Newsquest)

Spectators will also be able to enjoy a flying display by a second, more modern seaplane, the Aviat Husky.

(Image: Newsquest) This second demonstration will take place further up the lake, with the viewing area at Brockhole on Windermere.

Waterbird is scheduled to take off from the water, fly at up to 100 feet in a straight line along the lake, then land on the water, showing the remarkable capabilities of this early seaplane.

(Image: Newsquest)

It was commissioned by Edward Wakefield from A. V. Roe & Co (‘Avro’) as a landplane and converted to a seaplane at Windermere.

Read more about Waterbird and her new pilot here.