A park in south Cumbria is in need of one final injection of funding to give its latest development the green light.

On Monday, September 30, work is set to begin on the construction of a new two-metre-wide permanent path at Ford Park in Ulverston.

The narrow path will run around the perimeter of the park and will also be raised, leaving it less susceptible to flooding.

The work is expected to take four weeks and is being carried out by Luscombe Plant Hire, with £1000 worth of funding still required to make sure the project can go ahead.

Ulverston's Deputy Mayor, Councillor Shirley-Anne Wilson, commented: "Ford Park staff have put an enormous amount of work into bringing this project to fruition.

"It’s been in the pipeline for a very long time and, as we are a very small charity, we would be grateful for any amount however small to help with the project."

The weekly park run will have collection and card readers at the finish line for the next few weeks to help raise the money required.