Harness Change at Bigland Hall in Ulverston will host a series of master classes in Classical Dressage by riding expert, Peter Maddison-Greenwell.

With over 25 years of international experience, Peter is renowned for his deep knowledge and passion for the Spanish Horse.

Peter has been training horses and teaching from the age of 14, he even rode for the well-known banking family, the Rothschilds, for a number of years.

(Image: Zara Myers)

He began to perform as El Caballo de España, at county shows and historic venues in 1988, which became one of the leading equestrian attractions nationwide.

 Peter was part of many major productions in the hospitality industry for companies such as San Miguel, Iberia Airways, and more.

He even met the late Queen Elizabeth II, who invited the El Caballo de España team to stay at The Royal Mews while performing in London.  He has been invited all over the globe to perform before Royals, Sheiks and Celebrities at prestigious events such as The Dubai Film Festival.

 Peter became Chair of The British Association for the Purebred Spanish Horse (BAPSH) and began to Judge at shows.

(Image: Zara Myers)

Respected as one of the country's leading authorities on the Spanish Horse, its history and traditions, Peter published a book in 2006.

Zara Myers CEO and lead coach at Harness Change, said: “We’re thrilled to welcome Peter Maddison-Greenwell back to Bigland Hall. Although we have diversified at Harness Change, our roots are deeply grounded in Classical Dressage.

“Peter embodies all the values and principles that we strive for—dedication, respect for the horse, and a commitment to continuous learning. His deep knowledge and passion for Classical Dressage, combined with his ability to connect with riders of all levels, make this clinic an unmissable opportunity.”

(Image: Zara Myers)

“Peter’s return to Bigland Hall is a wonderful opportunity to continue this tradition of excellence and shared passion. Whether you’re looking to perfect your riding or simply gain new insights, Peter’s clinic offers something truly extraordinary.”

Peter will focus on teaching Classical Dressage, a discipline that harks back to the traditions of the "Old Masters," emphasizing the art of riding in harmony with the horse.

It’s particularly special as Sheelagh Myers, who founded Bigland Hall in 2007, is a Classical Dressage expert in her own right, and trained alongside Peter over 30 years ago.

(Image: Zara Myers)

 Sheelagh dedicated her career to promoting the principles of Classical Dressage and built a ‘vibrant’ community at Bigland Hall.

Her daughter, Zara has embraced these principles in her competitive career, as part of the winning team at the Home International.

Peter will return to the riding school to lead a clinic on the September 21 and 22, offering a unique opportunity to learn from one of the leading authorities in the field.

(Image: Zara Myers)

After the success of the first clinic over the August Bank Holiday Weekend, the ‘legend’ is booked in for monthly visits over the next four months.

Peter described his clinic as an ‘opportunity to gain more knowledge’ and said: “What was so impressive was the existing ethos of Sheelah and Zara Myers, who are well educated and passionate about the principles of classical riding.

“It was an honour to be held in such esteem that I was invited. The students were many and varied in their levels, but all had a hunger to learn more.”