Bus passengers will be able to spot guide dogs in training on board buses as Stagecoach announces new partnership with Guide Dogs for the Blind.

As part of the new partnership, guide dog trainers and their puppies can board any Stagecoach bus in Cumbria and north Lancashire for free to help them get used to being on public transport.

Tom Waterhouse, managing director of Stagecoach Cumbria and North Lancashire, said: “Guide Dogs help provide a lifeline to people with sight loss, and the volunteers who help train the dogs play a crucial part in the process.

“When we were approached by Guide Dogs we were delighted to be able to help in our own way, helping ensure that more people can have access to this scheme and regain their independence.”

Learning how to travel on public transport is a vital part of training as it helps them adapt to sounds, movements, and smells. 

Volunteers will have ID badges and the dogs will have a yellow flash on their leads which reads 'Dog in Training'.

Ruby Harvey, from The Guide Dogs for the Blind Association said: “Partnerships like these are essential in helping us train our prospective guide dogs and make sure they are equipped for every life eventuality.

“We cannot wait to see how this benefits our trainers.”