A COMMUNITY digital directory has been set up in a bid to tackle social isolation and loneliness. 

The Grange and Lakes Community Directory brings together groups, clubs and societies in the South Lakes area.

It gives details of what services or activities the groups provide, when and where they meet, how to join them and whether there is any cost involved.

Mike Eddy, Management Partner in a GP practice in the Lakes and health inequalities lead on the Grange and Lakes Primary Care Network/Integrated Care Community, said: "Since I came into post I have never ceased to be amazed by the amount of fantastic groups, clubs and societies working in our communities in Grange and Lakes.

"However, the majority of the population of the area are not always aware of the existence of these groups, clubs and societies and the opportunities they offer.

"I am also very aware that since the Covid pandemic the number of people living in social isolation has increased significantly. This not only affects the large number of elderly living in our area but we also have a significant number of younger people who move into the area to work in the hospitality industry, away from friends and family.

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"There is a large body of evidence that social isolation and loneliness have a serious impact on physical and mental health, quality of life, and longevity."

The directory hopes to help address this by linking these individuals with the opportunities already available in the communities.

They have now started populating the directory and currently have about 30 to 40 groups on the system. 

"Our Primary Care Network Care Navigators who work with the more vulnerable members of our community will start to use the system in the coming weeks and a comprehensive launch of the directory to the general public is then planned for later this Autumn," added Mr Eddy.

If you are a community group, club or society in the South Lakes area, register for free on the site by completing the form here.