A charity in south Cumbria is hoping it can knit its way to success with its latest fundraising scheme.

St Mary's Hospice will be looking to build upon the success of last year, when it raised £1,200 through selling small, crocheted pumpkins at their Orangery Cafe in Ulverston.

It is now asking for the public to get involved once again with their knitted creations in the hope that it can bring even more funds.

Spearheaded by Lisa Greig and Joyce Cowin, their pumpkins - along with those donated by the community - ended up in places as far as Aberdeen, Oxford and Australia.

Once the hospice starts to receive the crocheted items, a 'pumpkin patch' will be made at the cafe, with each sale supporting the work of the charity across the region.

If you would like to get involved, then you can get more information from Lisa by contacting lisa.greig@stmaryshospice.org.uk.