Rescue teams were called upon to help a woman who injured her ankle while descending the Old Man of Coniston. 

Coniston Mountain Rescue Team were called out to Goat's Water yesterday,   Thursday August 29 at 1:47 pm.

A group of three women were coming down the Old Man of Coniston when one had a walking boot issue and slipped at Goat’s Hawse, injuring her ankle.

Passers-by helped with first aid and the woman managed to carry on to Goat’s Water before being unable to continue and phoning for help.

Cumbria Police called the Mountain Rescue Team with three of their Land Rovers.

(Image: Coniston Mountain Rescue Team)

The vehicles were able to reach the rock step on Walna Scar track, and members of the team walked up from there.

In order to make up the number of people needed to carry the long stretcher over rocky terrain, they asked neighbouring team, Duddon and Furness MRT, to assist.

When the team arrived, they assessed the casualty, splinted her ankle and set up the stretcher.

Once enough Duddon members arrived, the woman was carried through the rocks at the edge of Goat’s Water.

For the remaining journey along the Walna Scar track they were able to put the wheel under the stretcher.

She was transported to her party’s vehicle and transferred into it as her friend agreed to drive them to Furness General Hospital.

Ten volunteer team members from Coniston MRT attended, as well as one team supporter and nine members from Duddon and Furness MRT.

The incident lasted fours hours and 33 minutes.

Coniston Mountain Rescue Team said: "Thanks very much to all, as we couldn’t have done it without you."