National Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day is a time to reflect on the furry family members we have lost.

The death of a pet is felt deeply so every year August 28 is set aside to help heal the ache of loss.

We asked readers to tell us a little bit about their companions over the rainbow bridge.

Tracey Needham recently lost her ‘gorgeous’ boy Freddie, who has left a ‘huge hole’ in her life.

FreddieFreddie (Image: Tracey Needham)

She said: “He’s the smallest dog we’ve ever had but the bossiest. He had a very big character and loved his little family just as we loved him.”

Kimberley Burton-Huddart lost her 14-year-old cat Poon after he put up a ‘brave’ fight against cancer. 

Read more about six rescue dogs looking for their forever families.

(Image: Kimberley Burton-Huddart)

She said: “My absolute best friend, my son, my companion.

“My world has never been the same. He was the weirdest, relaxed gentleman who was always by my side, and I miss him so very much.”

Michelle Andrews lost her dog in 2019. She said: “Patch was my first fur-baby as an adult, he was so cuddly, loyal and loving - I miss him every day.”

PatchPatch (Image: Michelle Andrews)

Lori Robinson was ‘devastated’ when her 14-year-old rescue cat Dusty died in January 2023.

Lori RobinsonLori Robinson (Image: Lori Robinson)

She described Dusty as the ‘most gentle cat’ you could ever meet. Lori said: “My daughter Louisa was her bestie, Dusty was always right by her side. We think of our Dusty every day, our little love.”

In April, Sarah Thomas said goodbye to 22-year-old  Stella, who crossed the bridge and left ‘absolutely the biggest gap in our lives’.

Check out our picture gallery celebrating International Dog Day.

StellaStella (Image: Sarah Thomas)

Kirstie Whitelock lost her dog Rosie, who died at the age of ten. She said: “Best companion and missed a lot, the house feels so quiet without her. Three years gone and missed so much.”

RosieRosie (Image: Kirstie Whitelock)

Four years after her ‘gorgeous’ boy passed away, Nicky Booth still misses her fur-baby ‘so much’. She said: “The day we went to pick a rescue cat, Alvin ran up my leg and sat on my shoulder. We just knew he was the right one, so loving and always by my side.”

AlvinAlvin (Image: Nicky Booth)

Selena Clarke-Smith said her dogs, Meg, Poppy, Rocky and Baba Belle have all gone over the Rainbow Bridge.

(Image: Selena Clarke-Smith)

Melanie Gale shared a picture of Dexter, who was adopted after retiring as a police dog, and passed away in July 2020.

DexterDexter (Image: Melanie Gale) Nearly two years ago, Dawn Halligan lost her dog Rocky, who died just shy of his 14th birthday. She said: “He was my shadow, and the grief is still unbearable. I miss him so much. I lost a piece of myself that day and will never be whole again! Sleep tight my gorgeous boy.”

(Image: Dawn Halligan)

Sharon Thompson lost both of her cats to cancer and said: “Both missed eternally, until you run to me again boys, love mum.”

Scooby and ShaggyScooby and Shaggy (Image: Sharon Thompson)

Scooby, the Ginger cat sadly got gut cancer and passed away in October 2020, Sharon said: “We tried so hard to help him but at 14 years old, his age was going against him.”

Black cat, Shaggy, developed tongue cancer which grew so quickly that he couldn't close his mouth and had to be put to sleep in March 2023.

Annette Phillips said she still misses her two Springer Spaniels, Alfie and Tegan, ‘even after all this time’.

Alfie and TeganAlfie and Tegan (Image: Annette Phillips)

Debbie Wilson lost her 12 year old dog, Izzy, in August.

(Image: Debbie Wilson)