An author is using her recently published book to promote romance in the Lake District.

Eileen Jones published 'Loughrigg: Tales of a Small Mountain' back in June and is now offering free copies of the book to couples who get engaged at the summit.

The book already features one story of romance, in which Danish visitor Anna Minh Gammeltoft said yes to her Kendal-born boyfriend Dave Peacock at the top of the mountain, which lies just outside Ambleside.

Eileen said: "Since the book came out, I’ve been told about two more couples who got engaged on the summit.

"It seems that everyone loves Loughrigg so I want to help lovers celebrate in the future by offering a free copy to any couple that gets engaged up there.

“I’m not sure a mountain top can be registered as a wedding venue but if anyone decides to go ahead and get married up there, I’d love to be invited.”

Eileen at the book launch in JuneEileen at the book launch in June (Image: Eileen)

Loughrigg was a favourite of the Romantic poets, especially William Wordsworth who lived at the bottom of the fell at Rydal Mount, with Eileen now hoping to keep that tradition alive.

Her book tells of the people who walk, run and climb over Loughrigg, the people who live on or under the hill, the artists who have painted it, as well as the birds and the animals that inhabit the slopes.

Read more: Loughrigg Fell: New book launched on Lake District mountain | The Mail (

There are also stories of celebrations at the summit besides the occasional proposal, including afternoon tea parties, Christmas celebrations, and musical performances - with one person even going as far as carrying a cello to the very top.

The book is published by Gritstone and is available at Fred’s Bookshop in Ambleside and Sam Read in Grasmere.

If you have plans to join the list of couples making the big decision on Loughrigg, then you can send details and photos to