A COUPLE passionate about books is preparing to open the 'only' operating mobile bookshop in Great Britain.

Emma and Chris Murphy, from Ambleside, bought a box van that they have started converting into a travelling bookshop.

The couple wanted to open a bookshop since they first started going out together but with the current rent prices on top of initial stock and refurbishment costs, they were unable to afford it.

"That is why we came up with the idea to open a travelling bookshop instead," said Emma.

Emma and Chris working on the vanEmma and Chris working on the van (Image: Submitted)

The project, titled Nomadic Books, will be based in Ambleside but they are planning to acquire trading licenses for the surrounding areas.

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They want to have a presence at local markets and become traders at the Keswick Outdoor Market, the Ulverston Outdoor Market, and in Kendal. They also want to acquire a spot in Ambleside where they can be every week.

In addition, they want to travel further for bigger events including Christmas markets, book fairs and festivals to reach people all over Great Britain.

Emma outside the vanEmma outside the van (Image: Submitted)

"While the idea of a bookshop in a van isn’t original (i.e. Saint Rita’s Amazing Travelling Bookstore and Becca Flory’s The Little Travelling Bookshop) we believe we would be the only operating mobile bookshop in Great Britain at the moment once we’re fully converted and operating," said Emma.

Emma explained they want people to have better access to books.

She said: "In the Lake District in the smaller villages, there are quite a lot of older people who might not really use the web that much to purchase books online and if they don't have a bookshop in their town they have to travel further to Grasmere or Keswick to buy their books.

"Once we are operating we would like to go to school events and bring books close to children."

They are hoping to finish the work in the van by the end of September and to be operating from the start of October. 

Emma and Chris set up a Crowdfunder page that offers rewards in return for your donation. So far they have raised £1,031 of their £8,000 target.

To make a donation visit the website here.