The headteacher of a school in south Cumbria has been left 'astonished' by the latest success of his students.

Just like thousands across the country, pupils at Ulverston Victoria High School were learning their fates on Thursday after their recent GCSE examinations.

Headteacher Matthew Hardwick outlined how 'exceptionally proud' he was on Results Day.

He said: "Once again, our Year 11 cohort has astonished us with their achievements this summer.

"Despite the huge upheavals experienced when they were in years Eight and Nine - especially the constant changes to the working environment both in and out of school - they have demonstrated amazing powers of resilience and focus to successfully navigate their way to and through this season of GCSE examinations.

"Today we are celebrating their amazing achievements both inside and outside the classroom, experiencing a great balance of academic achievement alongside participation in extra-curricular activities."

Head Girl Mariana Quijada will be studying the sciences and Maths at A LevelHead Girl Mariana Quijada will be studying the sciences and Maths at A Level (Image: Matthew Holmes)

One student who did herself proud was Mariana Quijada, the Head Girl at UVHS, who came away with six 9's among her results.

She said: "There was a bit of extra pressure being Head Girl, making sure that I completed all my studies.

"But it was also about being able to balance those studies alongside organising things like our prom, which was absolutely amazing."

Jaden Sedgwick prepared himself for Results Day with a massive bowl of WeetabixJaden Sedgwick prepared himself for Results Day with a massive bowl of Weetabix (Image: Matthew Holmes)

The Head Boy Jaden Sedgwick had two 9's and four 8's to his name, and outlined a similar level of pressure that came with his title.

"You've got to be a good example to everyone," he explained.

"But these results are even better than I could have imagined, and I'm especially proud with how I did in Music."

Avalon Tuck had a massive smile on her face after discovering she had earned three 9's and five 8's.

She added: "I might just have to try and convince my parents for a treat after this!"

Harry's Mayou's success came from his love of the sciences and a 'great deal of work'Harry's Mayou's success came from his love of the sciences and a 'great deal of work' (Image: Matthew Holmes)

A number of students at UVHS planned on celebrating Results Day with a barbecue afterwards with Harry Mayou - who aced his exams with seven 9's - hoping that the sun would come out for the occasion.

Mr Hardwick took the time to also praise the staff at the school for going above and beyond since the students' arrival in Year Seven.

"Their dedication and selfless determination to give the students at UVHS the very best start to adulthood, both in terms of academic progress and social/emotional development, always amazes me," he said.

"And, on top of last week’s phenomenal A Level results, it demonstrates that this is a true community school."