This week is the last chance for residents to have their say on Ulverston's library services.

On September 1 last year the town's King’s Road Library was closed due to ‘electrical issues’ and a temporary library service was set up in the Market Hall and The Coronation Hall's Ante Room moving to the Supper Room.

Last month, Westmorland and Furness Council released artists' impressions of its preferred option to move all library services to The Coro Hall.

READ MORE: Designs reveal what Barrow Town Hall may look like after work

Now, the council wants to hear your thoughts on proposals that could see significant investment in the iconic building to create:

• An expanded library area, with community meeting spaces and new children’s library area

• New café bar area on the ground floor

• New flexible community use spaces.

The council said: "Independent assessment of a range of options has concluded this proposal is the best way to meet community needs, deliver high quality library services, support arts and culture and improve the sustainability of The Coro."

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The online survey includes plans, illustrations and a ‘walk-through’ video showing how the library and re-modelled Coro could look:

The survey closes on Friday, August 23.