A COUPLE who had a miracle baby after suffering the heartbreak of six miscarriages are preparing for a charity family day to support families going through similar situations.

Charlie and Lynette Bathgate, from Dalton, had been trying to have a child for eight years.

But in December they welcomed their daughter Faith into the world after a doctor urged Lynette to try a medicine on the NHS normally taken before IVF treatment.

"We kept the faith," said Mr Bathgate. "We always had faith it would happen eventually so we called her Faith."

Baby Faith is now 8 months oldBaby Faith is now 8 months old (Image: Submitted)

Now the couple wants to raise money for charities Tommy's and Miscarriage Association to thank them for the support they received but also to raise awareness.

READ MORE: 'We kept the faith' - Couple welcomes miracle baby after six miscarriages

The couple has organised an open-for-all family fun day at Dalton Cricket Club with a cricket match, a barbeque, a bouncy castle, stalls, and a ducking stool on Sunday, August 25.

There will be evening entertainment by Take Two and a raffle with some prizes worth over £150.

Mr Bathgate said he was 'looking forward to the event' and hoped to raise awareness of what people go through.

Charlie with his daughter FaithCharlie with his daughter Faith (Image: Submitted)

"Hopefully it gets a bit of money and it helps another couple to get a baby like we have," he said.

"A lot of people have gone through what we have. You listen to other people's stories and it has given us hope. This money will help them do their research and what they do to help people."

He added: "A lot of local companies have donated raffle prizes. We have sold over a thousand pounds worth of raffle tickets before the actual day.

"It is fantastic the amount of people who have offered to help us and donate."

READ MORE: Mum who suffered six miscarriages said holding baby was 'the most fantastic feeling'

Entry tickets are available to buy from Dalton Cricket Club or via Faith's family fun day for Tommys page here

The tickets cost £2 and children go free.

To make a donation visit their Just Giving Page here.