A last-minute addition to a packed programme of events has been announced for Grasmere Lakeland Sports and Show.

The show, which will take place on Sunday, August 25, will welcome the Fell Gather Road Show, focusing on hill farming and sheep.

The roadshow will feature a display of sheep breeds, particularly Cumbrian breeds, including the Herdwick.

The Fell Gather Road ShowThe Fell Gather Road Show (Image: Grasmere Lakeland Sports and Show)

There will be commentary on the relationship between hill farming and food, landscape, nature, and cultural heritage.

Sheep shearing demonstrations, wool spinning, and a display of Lakeland Tweed products will also be part of the roadshow.

Representatives from the Herdwick Sheep Breeders Association, the Farmer Network, the Lake District National Park, the National Trust, and the Foundation for Common Land will be present.

Visitors will have the opportunity to meet both shepherds and sheep.

The roadshow will be alongside circus entertainment, musical performances, a fun dog show, and craft and food stalls.

Grasmere Lakeland Sports and Show manager, Richard Hooper, said: "We are delighted by the confirmation of the Fell Gather Road Show’s attendance, with this really emphasising our close connections to the farming community and rural life here in the Lake District.

"We are doing all we can to introduce new people to this way of life and our traditions.

"Whatever the weather, we intend to put on a fabulous show, at as affordable a price as possible, for any family, whether local, visiting the Lake District, or making a day out of it in the car.

"With free parking too, it’s one less expense to have to pay."

To grab the best-priced tickets for this event, visit grasmeresports.com before 7pm on August 24.

The show also features a funfair, track races, and a prize of £500 for anyone who beats long-standing records in the Senior Guides race.

A special trophy, dedicated to wrestling legend Roger Robson, will be awarded in the Under-12s event.

The Roger Robson Memorial CupThe Roger Robson Memorial Cup (Image: Grasmere Lakeland Sports and Show)

The Under-18 Boys (10 stone) World Championship will also be held, with a new champion crowned.

Grasmere Sports is offering £50 to any over-11 first-time wrestler who progresses beyond the first round.

Hound trailing will also be a highlight, having captivated crowds last year with live commentary.