Rishi Sunak has written to Barrow and Furness' former MP to commend him for his work.

Simon Fell received the letter took to social media on Friday (August 16) to share the 'rather lovely' message from the former Tory Prime Minister.

Mr Sunak outlined how 'sorely missed' Mr Fell would be by his colleagues, as well as apologising for not delivering what his 'efforts deserved'.

Read more: Rishi Sunak responds to Royal Barrow bid during visit to town | The Mail (nwemail.co.uk)

He added: "I cannot thank you enough for your hard work and dedication, not only during the General Election, but to your constituents and the [Conservative] Party over the past four and a half years.

"You have been a constant champion for Barrow and that the government could back Barrow is testament to you and your hard work."

Rishi Sunak and Jeremy Hunt during their visit to BAE this yearRishi Sunak and Jeremy Hunt during their visit to BAE this year (Image: Number 10)

Mr Sunak also touched upon his visit to Barrow earlier this year which accompanied the announcement of the Barrow Transformation Fund.

"I know that this was an incredibly difficult election but it should not, in any way, undermine your record and efforts," wrote Mr Sunak.

"You are the epitome of what a local Member of Parliament should be, and I hope you are proud of all that you achieved since being elected in 2019.

"A constant voice for your home, Barrow and Furness is a richer place for having had such a strong advocate."

Read more: Ex Barrow MP Simon Fell explains why he thinks Tories lost election | The Mail (nwemail.co.uk)

For Mr Fell, the letter represented an opportunity to reflect on his time as an MP.

He commented: "You see a lot in four and a half years, and in politics things move so quickly that you rarely get the time to reflect.

"Looking back, it’s hard to believe what took place during that time.

"And that’s before you consider the hundreds of surgery appointments, weekly commutes between Cumbria and London, visits to local schools and businesses, cases raised with Ministers on behalf of local people, funding bids backed, and so much more.

"Some of it feels like a fever dream now, but it’s been wonderful to take a few weeks out - as for what’s next, who knows?

"But it’s exciting to have an open road ahead of me for the first time in an age."