The High Sheriff of Cumbria has presented a plaque to a supporter of a Cumbrian brain injury charity.

High Sheriff Christopher Holmes visited Headway South Cumbria at the St Mary’s Community Hub in Barrow to see how the group supports people with brain injuries.

During his visit, he presented the plaque to Adam Barker, who regularly runs the Keswick to Barrow race to raise funds for the charity.

In 2025, he will have run seven races.

The plaque was specially made by Honister Slate to recognise his efforts.

Mr Barker got involved with the charity because his friend, Chris Wilson, had suffered a brain injury.

Mr Barker said: "Being invited to see for myself the support they show one another was terrific.

"I don’t do this to be in the spotlight but being awarded this is an overwhelming feeling and most unexpected."

Mr Barker was joined at the plaque presentation by his partner Germaine and their baby, Noah.