A MAN with a ‘predatory sexual interest in children’ who demonstrated a ‘horrendous catalogue of offending’ has been put behind bars after admitting a spate of sexual offences.

His Honour Judge Guy Mathieson told defendant Simon Tesseyman, of Barrow, he was a ‘dangerous’ individual who represented a ‘significant risk of serious harm in the future to young girls’.

The 32-year-old wept in the dock as he was handed an extended sentence of 13 years of which he will serve eight years in custody and the remaining five on extended licence, after pleading guilty to 15 sex offences.

Tesseyman admitted three counts of an adult engaging in sexual activity with a child, six counts of making indecent images of children and three counts of distributing indecent images of children.

Prosecuting the case at Preston Crown Court, Lisa Worsley said the defendant had more than 12,000 indecent images.

Tessyman was also sentenced for two counts of observing a person doing a private act and one count of attempting to engage in sexual communications with a child.

Ms Worsley said the defendant took three still images which appeared to have been taken through a window of an adult male and adult female engaging in sexual activity within their property without being aware the image was being taken.  

She said the attempted sexual communication charge related to the defendant engaging with a profile purporting to be an 11-year-old child on the app KIK.

The court was told that the chat was sexual in nature and that the defendant described her as ‘sexy’.

Ms Worsley said the defendant did not care when the profile told him she was an 11-year-old girl.

In mitigation, Kimberly Obrusik said the psychological report prepared in the case was unhelpful.

She said: “The defendant has continued to victim blame in this case because of a deep-rooted shame and inability to accept what he has done.

“He is a man with no previous convictions. He is remorseful for his behaviour and has repeatedly told me he was sorry and that he blames himself.

“It is my submission that you can step back from a dangerousness assessment.”

However, Judge Mathieson said he ‘utterly rejected’ the defendant’s narrative.

Before jailing Tesseyman, Judge Mathieson said: “You are in complete denial and have created your own back story. You have a predatory sexual interest in children.  

“There is only one person to blame and that is yourself.  You have enjoyed and boasted to others about what you have done.

“You built up many, many images of children. Every image you received, you stored, and at times distributed. There can only be one reason you did this, and that is for your own sexual gratification.

“In my view, you have no regret or remorse. This was an horrific catalogue of offending. I have no doubt you represent a significant risk of serious harm to young girls. I wholly conclude you are dangerous.”

In addition to the sentence, Tesseyman was given a restraining order and notification requirements until the court declares otherwise.

He must also sign the sex offenders register for life.